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I have a pretty broad definition of street art ... pretty much anything on the street that strikes me as art. And if you love and desire street art, you have to accept that you cannot like it all. That said, I only take photos of the stuff that moves me in some way.
There is street art qua street art ... stuff that artists do that they intend to be seen as art. Then there are windows with curious juxtaposition. And there is art viewed through a window. And there are commercial expositions that make you think of something else. And there are plain folks who do something that alter the landscape. All are street art.
And I really groove on reflection.
Frankly, Berlin struck me as being vastly more open to street art than Paris. And San Francisco, my home of 25 years, has more street art per square mile than any place I have ever been. Paris is not particularly about street art, but it has plenty of eyefuls for the afficionado.
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© 2007, Stephen Arod Shirreffs. Take any photos you like. If you want to use them for fun, give me credit (Stephen Arod Shirreffs).
Permission is not granted for any religious, commercial, or political purpose. If you want to use any photos for commercial or political purposes, send me email to foto at gunung dot com.