My Dissertation:

The Twisting Staff:
Strategy, Structure and Genre
in the Malay Muslim Court
Literary Tradition

Stephen Arod Shirreffs, Ph.D.
South and Southeast Asian Studies
University of California at Berkeley


This dissertation is dedicated with love

to my five best friends whom I lost to the "plague"

during the course of my graduate career.

Michael Merrill (1951-1989)

Jack Green (1947-1990)

Kurt Woodill (1943-1992)

Gary Gaetano Bandiera (1956-1993)

Robin Simpson (1951-1993)

"Alone of gods Death has no love for gifts,

Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice.

He has no altar, and he hears no hymns;

From him alone Persuasion stands apart."

-Aeschylus (525-456 BC), Niobe, tr. C. M. Bowra

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| Created January 3, 1996 | Modified May 17, 2007 |

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