And so we came to live in San Francisco. Actually, this photo is cheating, because it was taken during a visit in June, 1981 before Gary had moved down. Ian took this photo; you can see that it is on Castro Street at Market, right across from the famous Castro Theater and only two blocks from where I am writing this. The man on the right is our great friend Michael Merrill whose death in 1989 was the closest the epidemic had come to us at that point. Michael and I were roommates at the time, and Michael was one of the early stalwarts of Gay Liberation in Vancouver before he returned to his native United States. My T-shirt, which mysteriously disappeared a decade ago, reads "Bourgeois Ideology".
This picture is so poignant because it was in the last year of our involvement in the gay liberation movement. I hardly suspected the end of theearly movement -- we used to call it the heroic phase of the gay movement -- at the time, and AIDS was still a future nightmare. We didn't feel innocent, but we sure look that way now.
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